Partner with Us

If you love the message of Sarah Camille Art, and would like to partner with us...

or if you are a frequent shopper, you will want to become a Patreon.

Patreons start at only $5 a month, and you get special benefits like:

- Early access to new designs and artwork before anyone else (including original paintings and runway designs)

- Free Merchandise and artwork

- Monthly Giveaways 

- A special discount code only for Patreons on all Sarah Camille Art website orders

 If you interested in becoming a business sponsor, these start at $100 a month.  Your company name will be featured on my partnership page with a personal reccomendation from me along with a bit about your company and a link to your website. Your company or buisness will also be announced online for special events (such as New York Fashion Week and new item arrivals).

Thank you to everyone for your interest and involvement with Sarah Camille Art. Together we shine brighter, and I wouldn't be here without you. 

Click my Patreon link below to become a sponsor and join in on exclusive behind the scenes  information, free merch, and special giveaways! 

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